Create new prediction task

Use this mode, when you have the table of presence/absence coordinates.

Email: System will automatically inform you about the results and ask you for additional model selection after computing models and its performance. For the results, click on the link in e-mail.

Input data: Upload the table in strict format! Use sample file to format your data, download here. Table must be Comma-separated CSV. Column separator must be ; (semicolon). Decimal separator must be . (dot). Table must be of 3 columns. Coordinates are allowed in format of decimal number (50.0004361). Degree-minute-second is not allowed. First raw of table must be header with names in precise order (x, y, pa). x=coordinate X (longitude); y=coordinate Y (latitude); pa=0 or 1 representing presence=1 or absence=0. Table could contain only presence. In such case column pa must be completely filled with 1.

EPSG: Select coordinate reference system of the coordinates you are uploading in the table. (for example 4326 for WGS 84, 5514 for Křovák, 32633 for UTM zone 33...).

Spatial envelope type: Define the resulting map spatial cover. Your imported points are used as base, or you can select whole area of Czech Republic. You can specify round buffer size around your points in meters, you can use square bounding box enclosing your points, you can use convex hull, which is the smallest irregular polygon enclosing all your points. Spatial envelope is also used to spatial restriction of pseudo-absences point creation, in case true absences are not provided.

Pseudo absence count: In case you have only presence data, clear the check box (“In the table, true absence coordinates are provided”) and pseudo absence count field will appear. Default you will see number 161 which is the command to generate equal number of pseudo absences as the true absences. That means you will not get 161 pseudo absences, but the same number as true absences you have provided.

Buffer size [m]: In case you selected spatial envelope “buffer”, define the size of buffer. The diameter of a circle centered to each uploaded point in meters.
